Energy healing of your Body Clock
Honouring your internal bioclock increases vitality and stimulates natural healing.
If you have been doing everything you can about eating and living healthy, consider one of the most important things you need to do, that is to have quality, deep sleep.
We often focus on nutrition and exercise but the timing and hours that we sleep are really crucial as they do more for our body than just rest.
A few important things happen to your body when you sleep:
Your brain organizes and sorts data collected during the day, putting away “useless and unpleasant” information, whilst helping you to recall important information that you want to remember. With lack of sleep, recalling information becomes difficult.
Your body continues to burn fats from the exercises/physical movements you do during the day.
Your body is relaxed and many functions are slowed down, allowing energy to be used for repairing tissues instead. Healing and regeneration take place, using the nutrition you consumed during your waking hours.
Your digestive system and peristaltic movements are slowed down during sleep, so it is always advisable not to have a heavy meal after 7PM. This is necessary to “save energy” for the “more important” work of restoration.
When sleeping at the right times according to your body’s biological clock, hormone production is regulated to keep your body functioning smoothly, improve your immune system, and to keep you feeling wakeful and alert during the day.
During deep sleep, the skin’s metabolic rate speeds up cells production for the repair of damage from UV rays and other environmental toxic factors, improving skin appearance in the morning.
Your detoxification organs take turns during the night to process and filter out toxins for elimination. This is why you will need to visit the washroom in the morning when you are awake.
There are many more functions and processes that go on in the body when we sleep that we may never know about. Our wonderfully-designed body is very intelligent and complex. When we give it the adequate sleep and rest that it requires, together with the right nutrition, it can heal itself. As you can see, there are many rejuvenation and restoration processes that take place while we sleep. Depriving your body of sleep will retard most of these processes, making your body “sluggish”.
Circadian rhythm of our Meridians.
Circadian rhythms are biochemical, physiological and behavioural periods in our bodies, which cycle every 24 hours. Most of our body’s major physiological functions work in conjunction with the time of day. The Meridian Clock, which is a reliable tool used by ancient TCM to guide people back to health, comes into its highest action at a certain time of the day, in blocks of about two hours. Understanding these timings, and honouring them, will support your body’s optimal healing ability. Below is an example of the Heart Meridian.
How we experience the Heart Meridian?
The Heart Meridian Function circulates blood within the body. Energetically, its job is to provide a directing influence and clear insights to the organs. It affects all the organs.
Between 11 AM and 1 PM This meridian is not only about the organ that circulates and maintains blood pressure, but it is also about your mood and mental wellbeing. It is a good time to connect with people, your loved ones, and doing something you’re passionate about. On the opposite end, between 11 PM and 1 AM is when the heart is at its weakest. Most heart-related incidents occur during this reversed energy time, so take things easy.
When the heart meridian is balanced, it manifests itself as individuality, responding appropriately to the environment, tranquillity, gentleness, emotional balance, love, integrity, optimism, wisdom and a zest for life.
Physical Imbalances of the heart meridian can manifest as heart palpitations, anxiety, mumbling to oneself, dizziness, fainting spells, shortness of breath, or lack of vitality.
Emotional Imbalances of the heart meridian include excessive sadness, incessant laughter, excessive dreaming/daydreaming, irrational behaviours, hysteria, joylessness, apathy, a dull state of being, emotional distress, confusion, feeling out of control, or manic behaviour.
In Simplest Terms
By understanding how the circadian rhythm of our internal bioclock works, we can take advantage of doing the right thing at the right time, instead of working against our body’s natural rhythm. Every day or night that we do not Honor this rhythm, little health issues are accumulated and causing us problems. We don’t realize that we are really inflicting sickness upon our own body.