Rehabilitation Center
Energy Medicine Prescriptions
We are entering a new paradigm in healthcare where light, sound and magnetic fields that emulate natures resonance can be used as a non-pharmacological intervention to successfully stop and reverse a wide variety of chronic health disorders free of unwanted side effects.
Bioresonance is energy medicine, it is a term known in the realm of natural health. Energy medicine works to balance and restore the body’s bioelectric energies to stimulate and encourage a natural state of healing.
Bioresonance therapy is one of the most exciting innovative complementary health therapies of our time, which is non-pharmacological, non-invasive and safe to use at any age. Bioresonance is based on modern biophysics, it shows us that all matter has a resonance at a particular frequency, which takes the form of an electromagnetic field. Groups of cells in an organ or system have unique multiple frequency patterns which form a complex frequency make-up for the whole body.
When our body is compromised with chronic inflammation and oxidative damage, our natural frequency patterns that we resonate on is disturbed or distorted. By sending controlled frequencies back into our body, it re-balances and creates an environment for natural healing to be triggered. This may induce healing while reducing chronic and acute inflammation, pain and the effects of stress on the body. It also improves energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells.
Energy medicine prescriptions are very powerful and natural ways for the body to recover to its optimum state of health. Almost any condition will benefit from Biostimulation therapy. It addresses the underlying causes of chronic inflammation and degenerative diseases from oxidative damage. When we apply energy medicine protocols to our bodies, our cells have the opportunity to absorb these frequencies, with which they naturally vibrate. Biostimulation by means of Radionics or Scalar energy either in the form of Rife therapy, Sound therapy, Photobiomodulation therapy or Electroherbalisim therapy are energy medicine stimulation modalities and commonly used to initiate and stimulate natural healing effects.
What does Bioresonance therapy work on?
​Bioresonance is energy medicine prescriptions for imbalances in the body caused by oxidative stress. It uses a laboratory instrument to deliver Dr Royal Raymond Rife's resonance frequency protocols, triggering the restoration of healthy oscillations for imbalances such as:
Psychological imbalances - optimization of mental processing, improvement of emotional management
Postural imbalances - increasing psycho-somatic (i.e. mind-body) awareness, tissue control and improving co-ordination and balance.
Structural imbalances - regulation of musculoskeletal and connective tissues, neural entrapments, fluids stasis
Physiological imbalances - metabolic balancing, detoxification, regulation of microbiome (i.e. not just the individual organism's cells but all the others required for health e.g. gut microbes) and microcirculatory parameters.
Nutritional imbalances - regulation of nutritional deficiencies, intolerances, allergies, toxicities and pH imbalances.
Bio-energetic imbalances - realignment of quantum bio-field and unblocking energetic acupuncture points of meridian channels.
Environmental health imbalances- antidote to environmental health disruptors, airborne toxins, electro-hypersensitivity and many more.
Spiritual Health imbalances- improves consciousness growth,
Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations
Energy Medicine supports:
Metabolic disorders
Respiratory disorders
Neurological development disorders
Eliminates parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus
Supports cells, blood and organ detox
Immune system support
Allergies and intolerance's
Supports body processes
Brain fog of various types
Weight loss
Headaches & migraines
Muscles-inflammation and sprains
Menstruation-pain and PMT
Skin disorders
Sleep disturbances
Craving sensations
Sports injury
Surgery-support before/after
And many more...
In Simplest Terms
Energy is the currency of life. When you have more energy, you're able to do more. Energy medicine restores the body’s natural frequencies and vibrations to improve health. It enhances the body’s regulation and detoxification, boosting the body’s natural immune systems.