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Enviromental Health Services

Are you Electro-hypersensitive?

The widespread electromagnetic pollution caused by wireless technologies such as 5G and electromagnetic field radiation that we subjected to daily is an environmental health hazard and considered to be a possible cause behind many chronic illnesses.  EHS is a biologically correct response to an environmental pollutant. We are both bioelectrical and biochemical, consequently our health is directly affected by the exposure to environmental radiation.   Health Effects of EMF Exposure.

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has been associated with an increase in the number of individuals suffering from a condition known as electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), it is defined by the World Health Organization as “ a phenomenon where individuals experience adverse health effects while in the vicinity of devices emanating electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields.”   EHS Common Symptoms

The cumulative effect of electromagnetic radiation we exposed to, degrades health and immune function over time. Smartphones, computers, cordless phones (extremely harmful), Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, cell phone towers, radio towers, TV towers, and household currents all play into exposure, and are broadcast 24/7 into our homes and work environments.



Electrosmog Survey

Commercial & Residential testing with recommendations for mitigation

Home Assessment

What is the purpose of an Electrosmog Survey?

  • Helping clients identify and manage EMR exposure

  • Identifying indoor and outdoor source of EMF radiations

  • Measuring the strength of EMF radiations

  • Reducing exposure from wireless radiation sources

  • Lowering electrical field exposure in your living areas

  • Impact assessment on EMF emitting devices

  • Measuring dirty electricity exposure

  • Creating a low or radiation free sleep sanctuary

  • Creating healthier living and working spaces

  • Offering recommendations for mitigation

​An EMR Level 1 survey will identify and measure the electromagnetic radiation exposure, typically suited for the residential environment with suggested recommendations for mitigation.


An EMR Level 2 survey assessment is typically suited for commercial entities and provides site readings of EMF/EF/RF radiation exposure within the immediate environment.  Recommendation for mitigation offered in order to meet occupational EMF exposure limits developed by (ICNIRP) International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.


We use industries leading field-tested meters and spectrum analyzers that provide reliable measurements of non-ionising radiation within a microwave spectrum up to 10Ghz to identify, measure or monitor RF/EF/EMF radiation exposure. 

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