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What Is Micro-Suction Ear Wax Removal?

Lets examine this popular ear wax removal procedure and explore how to deal with all the ear wax that is hindering your hearing.

Too much ear wax is a common problem among people of all ages, and you can either deal with it yourself or, as highly recommended, see your GP or ear care practitioner who can do ear wax removal for you. Typically, they will syringe your ears, but it’s not always the only option and there are alternatives, like micro-suction ear wax removal.

You may wonder what ear wax is for anyway if it can be so problematic and frequently needs to be removed as there’s often too much of it. This sticky substance is incredibly important not only for your ear but general health. It traps debris and pathogens, like bacteria and viruses, from getting further into the ear canal and lubricates the ear’s delicate lining so that it doesn’t dry out.

Problems arise when cells lining the ear canal produce too much ear wax or when you have a normal amount but cause a build-up by cleaning your ears with a cotton bud — inadvertently pushing it down into the canal, where it becomes impacted. Under normal circumstances, ear wax dries out, migrates to the outer part of the ear and falls out, usually when sleeping.

But as many of us today like to wear things in or on our ears, especially earbuds, but also headphones to listen to music, this can also have a negative effect on the amount of wax in your ear, because it can’t get out the usual way.

So what is micro-suction ear wax removal as a method of cleaning out your wax-filled ears? We’re going to get to that shortly, but first, we’re going to look at some symptoms that might be telling you it’s time to get your ears checked because there might be too much wax in them.

Signs You Might Need Ear Wax Removal

A build-up of wax in your ears is not something you might think of straight away if you suddenly have difficulty with your hearing — unless it’s a problem you’ve encountered before and had it dealt with. The usual signs that you have too much ear wax and it should be removed are:

Partial hearing loss: You’re not able to make out conversations and hear other sounds the way you used to and may strain to understand what people are saying.

Muffled sounds: you can hear the way you normally do, but some sounds are not clear and you may be wondering why.

Fullness in your ears: you notice that your ears have been feeling as if they’re “full”, and indeed they might be stuffed with ear wax.

Itchiness: your ears may be itchy and you try to scratch the inner parts.

Earache: an infection may have developed in your ears because of too much ear wax.

Dizziness: you’ve been feeling dizzy at times and perhaps have developed vertigo.

Coughing: it might seem odd, but impacted ear wax can also cause fits of coughing, even though you might think there’s no connection between the two.

Tinnitus: a buzzing or ringing in your ears has developed, either gradually or suddenly, A build-up of pressure from excessive earwax can result in multiple tinnitus symptoms. Another common cause of tinnitus is environmental pollution from electrosmog, especially for electo-hypersensitive (EHS) individuals.

So there’s a lot of symptoms that will give you clues as to whether you have a build-up of ear wax and if it’s become impacted, it’s not recommended you stick anything into your ears to try and coax it out; in most cases, that results in more harm than good. Best to have one of our primary ear care practitioners do an assessment for an ear irrigation or micro-suction procedure to deal with excessive wax buildups.

Improve Your Hearing Naturally With These Vitamins and Minerals

There is a growing body of evidence that several vitamins and minerals have been associated with an improvement in ear function and hearing. There have been reports that people have not only been able to improve their hearing naturally, but that it has also helped with a condition known as tinnitus, which can be debilitating, and can rob you of the joy of life.

Magnesium to Improve Your Hearing Naturally: Magnesium has been known to aid healthy nerve function in the auditory system and helps prevent damage to the inner lining of your arteries.

Zinc to Improve Your Hearing Naturally: Zinc supports your body’s immune system, helping prevent ear infections that can cause short-term and long-term hearing loss and tinnitus. Zinc can also help protect the hair cells in the cochlea. Hair cells are responsible for receiving sound waves from our environment and transmitting them to the brain where it is interpreted as sound.

Folic Acid to Improve Your Hearing Naturally: Folic acid helps promote and support circulation to your ears and auditory system. Blood flow and oxygen are critical in maintaining healthy hair cells responsible for hearing.

B Vitamins to Improve Your Hearing Naturally: You may already know about some of the benefits of B vitamins, but they may also provide benefits for your auditory system. B vitamins can help with oxygen circulation and fluid regulation.

Exercise to Improve Your Hearing Naturally: Your brain is the ultimate processor. Our ears and auditory system help receive, convert and transmit signals to your brain so they can be interpreted and recognized as meaningful sound. Exercises that strengthen your brain function may help you communicate and comprehend language easier.

Ear Microsuction is a pain free procedure that uses a medical grade suction device to gently evacuate the wax out of the ear. It can be administered from our clinic or from the convenience of patients home.

For the treatment of obvious infections, viruses and bacteria such as sinus infections, pneumonia, strep throat, etc. focusing Ozone insufflation in the ears can be highly effective at accelerating the healing process. It is also known to have massive impact on brain fog, ADD, memory, seizures, and other neurological and brain conditions as it is a direct infusion giving the brain exactly what it needs for cellular communication, circulation and improved function.

From a natural standpoint, this type of treatment should be considered before antibiotics, other medications, and even surgeries.

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