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In medicine, ozone is used as an integrative therapy to strengthen body’s natural ability to carry out it’s various functions to it’s optimum level, enhancing body’s defence mechanism, and improving immune levels.

Ozone therapy is used to treat diseases and conditions by disinfecting the area around them. Not only does this limit the effects of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast, but ozone therapy also improves the body’s intake and use of oxygen and activates the immune system. It is able to safely and easily initiate a series of biological reactions in the body accelerating the healing process. From a natural standpoint, this type of treatment should be considered before antibiotics, other medications, and even surgeries.


In this method, ozone is administered into the ear canal through an ear insufflator. This is one of the quickest forms of Ozone therapy and can run from 5 to 10 minutes for the treatment. Ear insufflation has a cumulative effect and can provide relief from both acute and chronic ear, nose and throat conditions.

Helps rehabilitate ENT related symptoms such as:

  • allergies and hay fever.

  • ear canal fungal infections.

  • swollen glands.

  • sore throats.

  • improves brain function and memory.

Medicinal Use of Ozone

You may be familiar with ozone because of its role in protecting us from the sun’s harmful UV rays, but did you know that the use of ozone is commonly used in alternative and integrative treatment options. If this is the first time you have heard about the medicinal use of ozone, let us explain what ozone is and what benefits it brings to patients battling a range of health concerns.

To appreciate and understand its medicinal value, we must look closely at the properties of ozone. Ozone is a colourless gas and each molecule is made up of three atoms of oxygen which are quite unstably bound together. Because of ozone’s positive charge, it has an oxidative effect on organic compounds. It has the ability to neutralize negatively charged foreign cells such as bacteria, yeast, viruses and parasites, effectively killing active infections. In medical use, ozone is made from pure oxygen with an ozone generator and the gas is administered in precise therapeutic doses. Ozone therapy has been utilized and extensively studied for many decades altogether. Its effects are proven, consistent and with minimal side effects.

How can Ozone therapy help?

Ozone therapy has almost an unlimited number of applications. Ozone is very effective and has a broad spectrum of action. Unlike medications and herbs, ozone can be successfully used in essentially every medical condition regardless of the diagnosis which is why it is an integral part of our health rehabilitation programs.

Is Ozone therapy safe?

The medical use of ozone has a safety history that is unprecedented in the history of medicine. It is the single safest therapy in the history of medicine.

It is much safer than the use of aspirin. (Jacobs M, 1986;5:1-5)

Who can't do Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy can not be used in people suffering from: — hyperthyroidism — glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency — acute haemolytic anaemia — during the first trimester of pregnancy — in advance stages of infection from HIV


Allergies & chronic sinusitis. Alzheimer’s, senile dementia. Arthritis. Autoimmune diseases. Cancer. Candidiasis. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Chronic hepatitis. Colitis and Crohn’s.

Diabetic Ulcers and Venous Stasis. Fibromyalgia. Herpes Simplex (HSV-1, HSV-2). Herpes Zoster (Shingles). Herniated Discs. Lyme Disease. Meniscal Tears and Joint Disorders. Tinnitus. Vaginal infections.


  1. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. If, deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions). Ozone significantly raises the oxygen levels in the blood for long periods after ozone administration; as a result, allergies have a tendency to become desensitized.

  2. Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins. Interferons orchestrate every aspect of the immune system, and the tumoursageinggastrointestinalinhibit viral replication.

  3. Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing. Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interluekin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system. It is secreted by T-helpers. T-helper causes it to produce more IL-2. Ozone’s main duty is to induce Lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate, yielding more T-helpers, T-suppressors, cytotoxic T’s, T-delayed and T-memory cells.

  4. Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-seventeenth as efficient as our own.

  5. Ozone is effective against all types of fungi. This includes systemic candida albicans, athlete’s foot, molds, mildews, yeasts, and even mushrooms.

  6. Ozone fights viruses in a variety of ways. As discussed above, ozone also goes after the viral particles directly.

  7. Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly-dividing cells and are inhibited by ozone.

  8. Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque. It breaks down the plaque involved in both Arteriosclerosis and Arthrosclerosis.

  9. This means ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of large and even smaller vessels. This allows for better tissue oxygenation in deficient organs.

  10. Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells.


  • Improved circulation.

  • Cell energizer.

  • Vitality booster.

  • Immune enhancer.

  • Skin purifier.

  • Oxygenates hemoglobin.

  • Neutralizes acid.

  • Liver cleanser.

  • Kills parasites.

  • Combats chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Corrects dizziness.

  • Blood purifier.

  • Relieves muscle aches.

  • Builds muscle.

  • Combats depression.

  • Neutralizes stomach acid.

  • Overcomes weakness.

  • Corrects memory loss.

  • Enhances immune system.

  • Fights bronchial problems.

  • Prevents tumors.

  • Decomposes plague.

  • Increases cellular vitality.

  • Boosts energy.

  • Fights flu.

  • Releases tension.

  • Burns fat.

  • Protects against stroke.

  • Kills virus.

  • Blood booster.

  • Speeds healing.

  • Improves digestion.

  • Clears out brain fog.

  • Cleans mucus.

  • Kills candida.

  • Improves heart function.

  • Fights infection.

  • Prevents sudden heart attack.

  • Kills bacteria.

  • Relieves angina.

  • Heightens alertness.

  • Prevents colds.

  • Stops cancer cells.

  • Neutralizes chronic hostility.

  • Calms nerves.

  • Speeds recovery.

  • Oxidizes poisons.

  • Breaks up cholesterol.

  • Eliminates lactic acid.

  • Speeds athletic recovery.

  • Improves mental quickness.

  • Strengthens immune system.

  • Improves vitamin uptake.

  • Kills Candida.

  • Improves mineral absorption.

  • Destroys harmful microorganisms.

  • Oxidizes morbific material.

  • Balances acid/alkaline.

  • Decreases stress.

  • Improves amino acid utilization.

  • Improves brain function.

  • Oxygenates pancreas.

  • Kills bad colon bacteria.

  • Ignites carbohydrates.

  • Help supplements to work better.

  • Burns off excess sugar.

  • Enhances mood.

  • Purifies liver.

  • Oxygenates spleen.

  • Improves mental stability.

  • Speeds up faulty metabolism.

  • Clears out dirty fluids.

  • Detoxifies the lymph system.

  • Prevents degenerate diseases.

  • Prevents premature aging.

  • Prevents irregular heartbeat.

  • Prevents gangrene.

  • Prevents peripheral vascular disease.

  • Fights herpes.

  • Kills worms.

  • Fights emphysema.

  • Prevents angina pain.

  • Prevents shingles.

  • Prevents fever blister.

  • Prevents asthma.

  • Prevents lymes disease.

  • Fights parasitic infection.

  • Fights fibermayalgia.

  • Prevents epsein barr.

  • Prevents cluster headaches.

  • Prevents cardiac arrhythmias.

  • Disburses heavy metal toxicity.

  • Prevents allergies.

  • Neutralizes environmental toxicity.

  • Prevents Alzheimer’s.

  • Prevents constipation.

  • Prevents nerve related diseases.

  • Prevents gastro intestinal disorders.

  • Prevent MS.

  • Detoxifies every cell in the body.






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