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The Energetic Body

energy balance

Meridian balancing

is a key concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and ancient understandings and practices of the energetic body are shared by many.  It is understood that energy also called the life force, prana, or qi (chi)-flows throughout the body in the same way that blood does. When this energy becomes blocked or disproportionate, adverse symptoms and health disorders occur. The goal of energy medicine is to optimize the circulation and balance of qi through methods in energy healing, of which there are many to choose from. These practices are believed to prevent and alleviate health disorders, regulate metabolism, and support cellular health. The meridian system can be understood by imagining three nesting tiers:

Qi is considered a vital force of any living being. It is always present in our bodies, but its delicate balance and fluidity are essential for growth, recovery, and general health. Balancing qi means not only distributing energy evenly throughout the body but also achieving a balance of yin and yang energy. These two types of energy are opposite yet complementary and interdependent. Each bodily function uses both energies simultaneously. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, good health is built on the harmony of yin and yang.
Meridians are channels that direct the flow of energy through specific pathways of the body, much like the circulatory system holds and transports blood. Each side of the body is traversed by six meridians—three yin and three yang. Every meridian corresponds with a particular organ, but encompasses the larger functions of that organ as well as other organs around them. For example, the kidney meridian is responsible for filtering and purifying fluids but is also an energy source that affects the reproductive processes.

The Meridian System
Meridians connect all major organ systems. Each meridian plays a specific and crucial role in the health of the entire body. If the energy flowing through a meridian is imbalanced in any way, the system it fuels is jeopardized, and becomes the underlying cause to many health related disorders that we typically experience.


How we experience the heart meridian

The Heart Meridian Function circulates blood within the body. Energetically, its job is to provide a directing influence and clear insights to the organs. It affects all the organs.


Between 11 AM and 1 PM This meridian is not only about the organ that circulates and maintains blood pressure, but it is also about your mood and mental wellbeing. It is a good time to connect with people, your loved ones, and doing something you’re passionate about. On the opposite end, between 11 PM and 1 AM is when the heart is at its weakest. Most heart-related incidents occur during this reversed energy time, so take things easy.


When the heart meridian is balanced, it manifests itself as individuality, responding appropriately to the environment, tranquillity, gentleness, emotional balance, love, integrity, optimism, wisdom and a zest for life.


Physical Imbalances of the heart meridian can manifest as heart palpitations, anxiety, mumbling to oneself, dizziness, fainting spells, shortness of breath, or lack of vitality.

Emotional Imbalances of the heart meridian include excessive sadness, incessant laughter, excessive dreaming/daydreaming, irrational behaviours, hysteria, joylessness, apathy, a dull state of being, emotional distress, confusion, feeling out of control, or manic behaviour.

Meridian Health Guide
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