What Weakens Our Immune System?
Our Immune system can be compromised in many ways. Oxidative damage to the body is the primary condition that reduces immune function, inflammation and stress; including physical, mental and emotional stress (fears, include the fear of getting sick). Other immune-weakening conditions relate to the composition of the gut microbiome and gut health, oxidative stress. There is no single cause for chronic inflammation, but often a build-up of many things – blood sugar imbalances, chronic infections, chronic stress, hypoxia, hypoxemia, environmental pollutants such as mould and electromagnetic radiation, just to name a few.
Rebounding for better Health
Jumping increases cellular oxygenation. A highly oxygenated body is inhospitable to disease and rogue cells which are anaerobic, meaning they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment.
Jumping on a trampoline is perhaps the best exercise ever devised by man. The simple rhythmic up and down motion due to gravity engages every muscle and stimulates every cell producing amazing healing and rejuvenating effects on the whole body.
Jumping on a trampoline also known as rebounding has unique benefits compared to other forms of exercise. It involves increasing our G-force which is the force created on the body as a result of gravity. When you jump on a trampoline mat, there is an acceleration and deceleration that happens on each jump. All 638 muscles alternately flex and relax, toning the whole muscular system. Many types of exercise are done to target specific muscles, but rebounding is the only activity that exercises every part of the body. Your feet don’t even need to leave the trampoline mat. Gentle bounces yield tremendous benefits and the higher the jump, the greater the G-force on every muscle and body cell.
In Simplest Terms
Rebounding is for everyone. Gentle bounces are all that's required to have a powerful impact on our daily health and well being. It is suitable for all ages to restore health and improve cellular oxygenation. Best of all a rebounding program can be done in the privacy of a home on any trampoline mat.